As of January 16, the Garden restaurant will be changing its opening hours.
New opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 8am to 7pm.
The restaurant team thanks everyone for their understanding.
The Técnico Library (BIST) has just renewed and expanded its subscription to the Springer Nature publishing house, giving the entire academic community access to 13 ebook collections (six more than last year) in Engineering, Science and Technology.
The subscribed collections are:
Biomedicine & Life Sciences (publications from 2020 …
On 30 December, 2 and 3 January, opening hours are 10.30am – 12.30pm and 1pm – 4pm.
Biblioteca do Instituto Superior Técnico
18 December, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., online (via Zoom)
Date: 18 December
Hour: 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Venue: Online (via Zoom)
More information: Official Site I Registration
«On December 18, 2024, between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., the Técnico Library will host the webinar “Introduction to Excel: …
We inform you that from Monday, June 24th, the shuttle stop in Sete-Rios will moving to under the train viaduct on Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro.
For more details:
Books Room will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. ; 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The Library of IST-Taguspark is offering a research initiation scholarship for students of any undergraduate or master’s degree program at IST.
The scholarship is open for applications from June 15 to June 21, 2023, and is intended for students interested in working in the field of …
During next week (23 to 27 january) it may be necessary to place extra buses, for this reason you must reserve your seat in the shuttle that connects Taguspark and Alameda campi reservation two working days before the trip, using the reservation system available at …
Training – Ethical behavior in science: citing and referencing scientific works – via Zoom meeting, March 30th – 5pm/6:30pm
This training action has the following objectives:
Problematize the concept of ethics in science management;
Understand the relationship between three concepts: Copyright, Citation Rights and plagiarism;
Understand the …
Instituto Superior Técnico entered the green phase of the Matrix of Prevention and Contingency Phases, as of March 1, 2022.
Entering the green phase means that the Technician has returned to a “normal” operating regime.
Books Room/Service Desk: working days, 10:00-13:00 ; 14:30-18:00
Individual Study Rooms (Largest Room and Aquarium): 00:00-24:00 (including weekends and holidays)
Group Study Rooms: working days, 10:00-18:00
Any clarification send an e-mail to
The shuttle service is suspended.
Office supplies, Copy Center, Accounting and Projects
Assistance only available for specific requests that must be sent by email:
Health Services
Service by appointment, via email:
From Monday, November 29th, the 7:20 am Sete-Rios – Oeiras -Taguspark bus will change to 7:00 am with the departure from Alameda.
Time updated at:
Starting tomorrow, October 7th, the following schedules will be increased temporarily with an additional bus:
08:10 am Alameda -Sete-Rios -Taguspark
5:10 pm Taguspark -Sete-Rios -Alameda
We ask for special attention for the 5:10 pm schedule, since the
routes are different. One is direct and the other goes through Oeiras.
The 7:40 …
From the October 1st the shuttle stop location will be changed, as indicated in the image:
We would like to inform that the following buses are scheduled for July, 17 (Saturday), for tests / exams.
Reservations should be made until Thursday, July 15, so that we can manage the needs and eventually add more buses if necessary.
7:15 a.m. IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – …
The management of the sports field from June 28, 2021 is the responsibility of AEIST.
Reservations can be made by email:, or directly at AEIST in Taguspark.
The library is closed for evaluations, Monday, June 14, until 12:00.
The library closes for evaluations, Wednesday, June 2, at 5 pm. Reopens, Friday, june 4, at 8 am.
We would like to inform that the following buses are scheduled for May, 15 (Saturday), for tests / exams.
The library closes for evaluations, Friday, May 7, at 5 pm.
The Taguspark campus Library has reopened on April 19, know more about the rules and working hours.
We inform that there will be an extra bus on January 22 for tests/exams.
(Português) As reservas deverão ser feitas até quinta-feira, dia 7 de janeiro.
Change of open hours from december 21 to 23.
Reservations should be made until Thursday, December 17.
Reservations should be made until Thursday, November 26.
Reservations should be made until Thursday, so that we can manage the needs and eventually add more buses if necessary.
We inform, that there will be buses on November, 14 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
We inform, that there will be a bus on November, 7 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8:15 a.m. IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
12:00 a.m. IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
Change of library hours from november 4 to 13.
We inform, that there will be a bus on October 31 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
(Português) Consulte as novas regras de utilização do shuttle.
(Português) O local de paragem do autocarro no Taguspark passará a ser em frente à garagem.
Following the IST Contingency Plan for COVID-19. It’s not possible to rent the sports field.
Following the IST Contingency Plan for COVID-19, shuttle service is suspended.
From Monday, February 17, the following schedules will be increased temporarily with an additional bus:
08:10 a.m. – Alameda Sete-Rios Taguspark
05:10 p.m. – Taguspark Sete-Rios Praça de Londres Alameda
We ask for special attention for the 5:10 p.m. schedule, since the routes are different. One is direct …
From Dec. 23 2019 to Jan. 1, the Books Room (Service Desk) has the following hours:
Closes on Dec. 24, 25, 31 and Jan. 1. All the other library rooms keep the same hours.
From Monday, September 16, the following schedules will be increased temporarily with an additional bus:
09:10 a.m. – Alameda Sete-Rios Taguspark
05:10 p.m. – Taguspark Sete-Rios Praça de Londres Alameda
We ask for special attention for the 05:10 p.m. schedule, since the routes are different. One is direct …
On July 5th and 10th there will be an extra shuttle for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8:10 pm: IST – Taguspark -> Sete-Rios -> Praça de Londres -> IST-Alameda
On June 1 (Saturday), there will be a bus for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8:45 am: IST – Alameda -> Sete-Rios -> IST – Taguspark
1:15 pm: IST – Taguspark -> Sete-Rios -> IST – Alameda
A Reservation System for the shuttle between the Alameda e Taguspark campi will start this May 27th, for which the “Regulation for the passengers transportation service between the Alameda e Taguspark campi” has been revised.
Attention to the following:
The usage of the Reservation System is compulsory …
On May 11th (Saturday) there will be a bus for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8:15 am: IST – Alameda -> Sete-Rios -> IST – Taguspark
11:15 am: IST – Taguspark -> Sete-Rios -> IST – Alameda
On May 4th (Saturday), there will be a bus for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8:15 am: IST – Alameda -> Sete-Rios -> IST – Taguspark
12:45 pm: IST – Taguspark -> Sete-Rios -> IST – Alameda
On April 27th (Saturday), there will be a bus for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
10:15 am: IST – Alameda -> Sete-Rios -> IST – Taguspark
12:45 pm: IST – Taguspark -> Sete-Rios -> IST – Alameda
On April 13th (Saturday), there will be a bus for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8:45 am: IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
1:15 pm: IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
On April 6 (Saturday), there will be a bus for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8:15 am IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
10:45 am IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
From wednesday, April 3rd, there will be no extra bus at 8:10 am, between Alameda- Taguspark.
From Monday, February 18th, the following schedules will be increased temporarily with an additional bus:
08h10 IST Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST Taguspark
17h10 IST Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST Alameda
We ask for special attention for the 17:10 schedule, since the routes are different. One is direct and the other goes through Oeiras.
We are predicting a big influx in the 7:10 a.m bus on January, 28th and 29th due to the exams that will take place. Hence, this schedule will be reinforced with an extra bus.
We inform, that there will be a bus on December 15th, 2018 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8:45 a.m. IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
13:45 a.m. IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
We inform, that there will be a bus on November 17th, 2018 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8:15 a.m. IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
13:15 a.m. IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
We are predicting a big influx in the 8:10 p.m bus on November, 12nd, 14th, 15th and 21st due to the exams that will take place. Hence, this schedule will be reinforced with an extra bus.
We inform, that there will be a bus on November 10th, 2018 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8:45 a.m. IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
13:15 a.m. IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
We inform that, there will be a bus on November 3rd, 2018 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8:45 a.m. IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
11:15 a.m. IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
From Monday, September, 17th, the following schedules will be increased temporarily with an additional bus:
09h10 Alameda Sete-Rios Taguspark
17h10 Taguspark Sete-Rios Praça de Londres Alameda
We ask for special attention for the 17:10 schedule, since the routes are different. One is direct and the other goes through …
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on June 30th, 2018 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
7h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
13h45 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on June 16th, 2018 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
7h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
11h15 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
We are predicting a big influx in the 7:10 a.m bus on June, 18th and 20th due to the exams that will take place. Hence, this schedule will be reinforced with an extra bus.
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on June 2nd, 2018 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
13h15 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
There are several books, in english and portuguese, at the BookCrossing Zones. Before take the shuttle, take a book and enjoy the trip!
Contabilidade de gestão: estratégia de custos e de resultados: casos práticos
Estruturas de dados e algoritmos em C (3ª ed.)
Contabilidade financeira: exercícios resolvidos e propostos
Introdução ao design de interfaces (3ª ed.)
Exclusionary practices: the economics of monopolisation and abuse of dominance
Contemporary logistics (12th ed.)
Strategic management: concepts (3rd …
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that, from monday, May 9th, there will be no extra bus at 17:10 pm, between Taguspark – Alameda.
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on may 5th, 2018 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST–Taguspark
12h45 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST–Alameda
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on April 21st, 2018 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8h45 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST–Taguspark
13h15 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST–Alameda
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on April 14th, 2018 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST–Taguspark
13h15 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST–Alameda
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that, from monday, April 9, there will be no extra bus at 8:10 am, between Alameda- Taguspark.
Tomorrow, March 23rd, some vídeo recordings are going to take place at the Taguspark Campus Library.
For this reason, the Library will be closed between 4:00 am and 4:00 pm.
Alternatively, room 0-65 can be used between 4:00 am and 12:00 pm.
We apologize for the inconvenience and …
Mentes digitais: a ciência redefinindo a humanidade / Arlindo Oliveira
Computational thinking: a biginner’s guide to problem-solving and programming / Karl Beecher
The master algorithm: how the quest for the ultimate learning machine will remake our world / Pedro Domingos
From Monday, February 19, the following schedules will be increased temporarily with an additional bus:
08h10 Alameda / Sete-Rios / Taguspark
17h10 Taguspark / Sete-Rios / Praça de Londres / Alameda
We ask for special attention for the 17:10 schedule, since the routes are different. One is direct …
The Books Room (Service Desk) and the Group Study Rooms will be open from 9:00 to 17:00.
From January 29, 2018, direction Taguspark – Alameda, there will be a new stop for the exit of passengers in Praça de Londres.
On January 29, 2018, the following schedule will be reinforced with an extra bus:
7h10 IST Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST Taguspark
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on January 13, 2018 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
7h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST–Taguspark
11h15 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST–Alameda
On January 8 and 11, 2018, the following schedule will be reinforced with an extra bus:
7h10 IST Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST Taguspark
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on January 6, 2018 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
7h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST–Taguspark
13h15 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST–Alameda
Books Room (Service Desk) and Group Study Rooms
Wednesday, 20th December
12:00 – 18:00
from Thursday, 21st December to Friday, 29th December
10:00 – 12:30
13:30 – 18:00
(closed 25th and 26th December)
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on december 16, 2017 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST–Taguspark
13h45 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST–Alameda
We inform that, from monday, December 18, there will be no extra buses:
– 9:10 AM Alameda – Sete-Rios- Taguspark
– 5:10 PM Taguspark – Sete-Rios – Alameda
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on november 11, 2017 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8h45 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
13h15 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on november 4, 2017 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
11h15 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on October 28, 2017 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
11h15 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on october 21, 2017 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
The bus will have the following schedule and itinerary:
8h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
11h15 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
Bus schedules are available for test/exams on Saturday.
You must make your reservations at:
For additional information about the reservation system
From Monday, September 18, the following schedules will be increased temporarily with an additional bus:
09h10 IST Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST Taguspark
17h10 IST Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST Alameda
We ask for special attention for the 17:10 schedule, since the routes are different. One is direct and the other goes …
The shuttle schedules for the 2017/2018 school year are already available.
We are predicting a big influx in the 7:10 AM bus, on July 3, due to the exams that will take place. Hence, this schedule will be reinforced with an extra bus.
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on June 24, 2017 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
This Saturday there will be no confirmation in the reservation system.
7h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
11h15 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
We are predicting a big influx in the 7:10 AM bus, on June 21, due to the exams that will take place. Hence, this schedule will be reinforced with an extra bus.
We are predicting a big influx in the 7:10 AM bus, on June 16, due to the exams that will take place. Hence, this schedule will be reinforced with an extra bus.
We are predicting a big influx in the 9:10 AM bus, on June 12, due to the exams that will take place. Hence, this schedule will be reinforced with an extra bus.
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on June 3, 2017 (Saturday), for tests/exams.
This Saturday there will be no confirmation in the reservation system.
7h15 IST-Alameda – Sete-Rios – IST – Taguspark
14h45 IST-Taguspark – Sete-Rios – IST – Alameda
The new buses schedule for exams period start at June 12, is available at the link:
Due to the day-off decreed by the government, on may 12th there will not be shuttle service available
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on may 6, 2017 (Saturday), for tests/exams. Users with confirmed reservations through, have priority at the bus. All users must proceed to authentication through the IST card (Santander card) or electronic …
The IPS-Instituto Português do Sangue is back on the Taguspark Campus!
On May 9, 2017, in room 0.73, between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
We count on you!
The IST Health Services will carry out the “IV Healthy Technician” initiative on May 11, in the main entrance hall, from 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm.
There will be several types of screening, namely blood glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, visual acuity, postural evaluation, podiatry, …
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on April 29, 2017 (Saturday), for tests/exams. Users with confirmed reservations through, have priority at the bus. All users must proceed to authentication through the IST card (Santander card) or electronic …
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on April 22, 2017 (Saturday), for tests/exams. Users with confirmed reservations through, have priority at the bus. All users must proceed to authentication through the IST card (Santander card) or electronic …
We inform all students, teachers and staff, that there will be a bus on April 8, 2017 (Saturday), for tests/exams. Users with confirmed reservations through, have priority at the bus. All users must proceed to authentication through the IST card (Santander card) or electronic …
During the second semester, similar to what happened in the previous semesters, the reservation system testing will continue on Saturdays.
Reservations must be made at:
For suggestions or problems, contact student Pedro Antunes through: